The Board of Directors of the Wine Route Association of Yecla , in consensus with the Department of Culture, Tourism and the City of Yecla , has appointed Enochurista 2018 Noemí Martínez Tévar .

With the party of Envero de la Monastrell we began to prepare the mood for a good harvest.

The first Open Barrel Intervention contest had six participants; 4 of individual modality and 2 in group modality.

On the weekend of July 6 to 7, Ruta del Vino de Yecla organizes the Envero de la Monastrell 2018 . We will have summer cinema , painting contest on open-air barrels , live music by the group of Yecla Loveloopers .

This Saturday, July 7, on the occasion of the poisoning of Monastrell

Restaurante Aurora will present us their summer tapas in the Parque de la Constitución starting at 8:00 p.m.

Come to the route