On April 9 was a great day for wine tourism and for Yecla to have been chosen our city the enclave to sign the collaboration agreement between the Spanish Association of Wine Cities (Acevin), integrated by 26 Wine Routes of Spain and the Tourism Institute of Spain (Turespaña).
For this firm, Yecla has had the presence of Secretary of State for Tourism Isabel Borrego, the president of Acevin Rosa Melchor, the Minister of Economic Development, Tourism and Employment Juan Hernández, the mayor of Yecla Marcos Ortuño and the president of the Wine Route of Juan Pedro Castaño Yecla.
The objective of this agreement according to Isabel Borrego is "to make available to Acevin all the instruments of international promotion that the Secretary of State of Tourism has, that allow an increase of the visitors to the country with wine as a common thread" The Mayor of Yecla Marco Ortuño also underlined "the opportunity that the vitiviniculture sector supposes for the deseasonalisation of tourism and the Wine routes are a good opportunity to boost the tourism of the interior"
During the day they visited the wineries of the Wine Route, the archaeological museum of Yecla "Cayetano de Mergelina" with Liborio Ruiz as its guide and a tasting of Yeclana wines and gastronomy.
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