During the month of December, the challenge of La Voluntad de Azorín competition corresponds to the mosaic located on the facade of the Clock Tower in the Plaza Mayor , in front of the Tourism Office of Yecla .

This month delivers a batch of extra virgin olive oil Almazara Deortegas and some tapas and wines Aurora Restaurant.


{gallery} acts2017 / mosaics-azorin / contest / December {/ gallery}

Clock tower. Square

According to the documentary sources, it seems that the Yecla Clock Tower originated in an old hermitage, which must be the bell tower. The invocation of this religious edification that of the "Virgen de las Nieves".

This hermitage of the early seventeenth century would be next to the construction of the Granary of Wheat, of which today we can enjoy its beautiful arches, with columns and pilasters of Tuscan order. These two buildings gave the Plaza Mayor, in the seventeenth, the physiognomy that currently has.

In the nineteenth century there is another change with the new construction and remodeling of the Clock Tower and the Lonja, the first being restored in the middle of the 20th century. A plaque on one of his faces reminds him.

In 1983 the Municipal Auditorium was inaugurated, a building attached to the lower body of the Tower, whose facade is decorated with stuccoes, through two works by the painter José Mª Párraga.

There are several Plaques in the Clock Tower that recall moments of its history, among them Azorín's:

"I love Yecla to this good village of labriegos ... I see them love the earth ... and they have an enormous Faith ... The Faith of the Ancient Mystics ... This is the old Spain, Legendary Heroic". Azorín.

Original text of the web of the Region of Murcia: http://www.regmurcia.com/servlet/s.Sl?sit=a,99,c,522,m,1075&r=CeAP-4815-R_269_DETALLE_REPORTAJE

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